Fidgeting disorder is an unconscious state of mind where the body is engaged in multiple movements at one time.
You might have come across people who are in a state of constant involuntary gestures. They are not capable of a solo activity at a stance. Neither can they sit still nor can they concentrate on any object for a long time. In layman’s language, this phenomenon is known as fidgeting. The fidgeting disorder is observed more frequently in children than in adults. It is the body’s response to the mental state and the perpetual movements are spontaneous. The following content shall let you know the most probable reasons behind this habit.
Fidgeting in children is more often observed while studying or eating. They perform multiple activities at one time. They might be solving their math problems while simultaneously swinging their legs and playing with pens. In adults, this often happens due to anxiety, tension, and stress that is expressed as restlessness. Taking quick short steps while walking is also classified under this. Doctors say that children who fidget are hyperactive and intelligent. Scientists put forth their view that many people have genetic predisposition to fidget.
The causes are mentioned below.
- Mixed Feelings: Children fidget due to over enthusiasm or nervousness. In adults, it might result from boredom and anxiety. Pen spinning is one of the unconscious acts and is considered to be an advanced form.
- Health Disorders: Fidgeting is one of the primary symptoms of heart diseases, delirium, dementia. Medical disorders, like Generalized Anxiety Disorder, Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, and Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm also lead to excessive form of fidgeting.
- Addiction: People who are addicted to alcohol tend to fidget. They get restless and their quick moves are expression of their agitated mind. Overdose of caffeine is also responsible.
- Troubled Relationship: Sometimes, children are victims of family problems, that induce trauma to their mind. Such children are often seen to be engaged in activities that make them oblivious of the present state.
This act can be controlled to some extent. Playing with the hair or fingers is its common form. Twirling around the table and spinning rings are a reflection of extremity. There are certain manipulative techniques, which if induced deliberately and consciously, can overcome the fidgety moves. Mentioned below are the techniques.
Induce Consciousness
Since this is an unconscious act, you can gradually eradicate the symptoms by inducing self awareness. Keep an eye on your activities and try to control every time you fidget. This technique is known as self induced restriction. This technique is very effective to get rid of unusual behavior and gestures. Teachers and parents can also follow this technique.
Relax Everyday
If you are suffering from anxiety and tension, make sure you give sometime to yourself. A good body massage and hot baths are great ways to relieve stress and anxiety. Instead of sitting idle, engage into some activities that will retain your attention for a couple of hours. Pursue your hobbies in your leisure time. Unwind yourself from daily chores.
Meditate and Exercise
Yoga meditation helps to impose control over your mind. Fix a time for meditation (early morning), at least for 45 minutes and practice concentration. Yoga is very effective. Regular exercise keeps you fit. It also helps to get rid of stress. Exercise keeps you engaged.
Solve Your Problems
It’s better to express your problems rather than keeping them bottled inside your mind. The more you suppress your personal or professional problems, the more they will trouble you, which ultimately results in fidgety moves. Therefore, express your problems to your dear ones and relieve your mind from tension.
Counsel Children
Children who tend to fidget due to disrupted childhood need counseling. You need you to spend time with them and try to understand their sentiments. Make them conscious of their activities and advice compassionately to prevent them from slouching and wiggling inside class or at home. You can also take them to professionals for better results.
Doctor’s Help
As already mentioned above, extreme form of fidgeting is a reflection of health disorders. In such cases, take advice from psychologists. Treatments are effective in curing such disorders associated with mental state. Once they are eliminated, you will eventually stop fidgeting. Therefore, take the medicines properly for a healthy mind and body.
This condition is actually a mental problem that reflects in body movements. Unless your restless moves are nuisance to others, there’s no reason to worry. Health experts say that the swinging moves keep the body in constant motion. If properly directed, it helps in weight loss. Psychologists also support the fact that fidgety children have greater intellect and are more active than normal children. This act is spontaneous and does not involve any serious health concern.
Disclaimer: This Buzzle article is for informative purposes only, and should not be used as a replacement for expert medical advice.