Depression is a condition that is experienced by many people around the world, and is called the ‘common cold of mental health’. This article will help you to identify the physical symptoms that manifest due to depression.
Depression is a condition which is experienced by all human beings. Life is a combination of happiness and sadness, and every human being learns to cope with both these states of mind. It is normal to feel depressed due to certain situations in life, like problems in personal or professional life, health issues, frustration, etc. However, when a person continues to feel depressed for a longer period of time, and is not able to concentrate on daily activities, it can be said that the person has clinical depression.
Depression is a mild bipolar disorder, but if not diagnosed and treated properly, can lead to a serious condition. Emotional symptoms, like feeling anxious, irritated, restless, worthless, hopeless, and sad, are quite common when a person feels depressed. Negative thoughts linger around the mind, to the extent that even committing suicide is contemplated. However, in addition to psychological symptoms, there are also some physical symptoms that show up when feeling depressed.
Depression Symptoms to Watch For
An headache is known to be a very common symptom in depressed people. Some people experience a mild headache, while others have a wild and severe one. It is also observed that the severity of headache increases if the person has had migraine attacks in the past.
Chest Pain and Back Pain
When a person reaches the stage of extreme depression, he is likely to feel pain in the chest. Researches have found a link between depression and heart diseases. A person feeling depressed can also experience pain in the lower back, neck, or in other joints and muscles of the body. If there exists a history of back pain, it is quite likely that the problem aggravates, giving rise to excruciating pain.
Change in Appetite and Weight Loss
A major change in appetite can be seen in depressed people. Some people start eating excessively, leading to weight gain, while others lose weight because they stop eating.
Disturbances in Sleep Patterns
It is usually found that when a person is depressed, he is not able to sleep. People lie awake for hours without sleeping. Sometimes, they wake up at night and have difficulty in falling asleep again. This may increase their frustration further. This condition, where there is loss of sleep, is known as insomnia.
Digestive Problems and Nausea
Depression is found to affect the digestive system of human beings. A depressed person may experience indigestion, difficulty in urinating, chronic constipation, and diarrhea. It has also been found that there is a connection between irritable bowel syndrome and depression. It is also commonly seen that a person who is depressed frequently feels nauseous and giddy.
Exhaustion and Fatigue
People who are depressed are known to get exhausted even after doing simple and small tasks. The fatigue and weakness is so severe, that they do not leave the person even after sleeping or taking enough rest.
Loss of Interest in Sex
It is commonly seen that people under depression lose interest in sexual activity; sometimes it may also lead to impotence.
Actually, there is a relation between physical pain and depression. As depression causes these physical symptoms, physical pain also leads to depression in a person. When a person is experiencing intense and continuous pain, it is likely that he gets depressed.
Physicians face difficulty in detecting depression in a person, as these physical problems can also be the cause of other major ailments or diseases. However, once detected, the person can be cured with appropriate treatment.