Did you know that there are 16 types of personalities in this world? Well, this classification was done according to the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) assessment. One of them is ENFP, and you never know, you might just be one of them. So let’s find out what are the ENFP personality traits and other characteristics of this type.
Something Interesting!
- ENFP women are less likely to have a heart disease.
- ENFP men are less likely to have chronic pain
- ENFPs are said to be the most likely ones to have trouble in school (as rated by psychologists.)
- They deal better with stress as compared to other people.
Each person has certain qualities, which makes them behave in a certain way. Each and every person has a particular type of personality. Some are calm and sober, while others are enthusiastic and outgoing. Some like to talk a lot, and some don’t. Well, there are all kinds of people, each with their positive and negative traits. You should know your personality traits, which will guide you through the important decisions of life.
So, to begin with, the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) categorizes personalities into four key areas:
- Extraversion and Introversion
- Sensing and Intuition
- Thinking and Feeling
- Perceiving and Judging
ENFP is one such personality type. They are often called the Inspirers or the Champions. They comprise about 7% of the world population. We will have a look at this personality type in detail.
E – Extraversion
N – iNtuition
F – Feeling
P – Perceiving
Characteristics of an ENFP Personality Type
ENFPs are extroverts and love to interact with people. They are social animals, which is why they are known to be fun-loving and possess endless energy.
They have an abstract way of thinking, rather than being concrete. They prefer not to concentrate on tiny details. They focus mainly on possibilities.
ENFPs make their decisions with their heart rather than their brain. They hold greater value for feelings and values rather than logic and objective. They let their feelings and emotions guide their decisions.
They tend to be flexible and like to keep their options open. Sometimes, they also tend to delay important decisions and procrastinate. They do not like the same routine. They have a carefree attitude and are easygoing.
ENFP Strengths
- Extremely social
- Warm and enthusiastic
- Caring and friendly
- Creative and energetic
- People-oriented; have great people skills
- Charismatic and spontaneous
- Extremely intuitive and perceptive about people
- Dislike performing routine tasks
- Strong communication skills
- Future-oriented
ENFP Weaknesses
- Tend to get bored easily
- Tend to be impulsive
- Hold on to bad relationships for too long
- Tend to be smothering
- Dislike criticism and conflict
- Do not pay attention to their own needs
- Do not like detail-related tasks
- Enthusiasm may cause them to be unrealistic
- Do not like indulging in ‘mundane’ tasks such as paying bills, cleaning, etc.
- Sometimes, they tend to make wrong decisions and conclusions
ENFP in Relationships
As Lovers
● The most important factor in any relationship would the compatibility between the partners and how their personalities match and balance each other’s lives.
● ENFPs make warm, passionate, and considerate partners. They take their relationships seriously, and are loyal and faithful.
● They focus on others’ needs before themselves.
● They are expressive and open about their feelings, so they expect their partners also to be the same.
● They don’t like being bored. So, they tend to seek partners who have similar interests and are open to new experiences in life.
● They are often curious, and keep looking for new things in life like exploring new places and meeting new people.
● However, there can be some problematic areas too. ENFPs tend to hold on to bad relationships for a long time and have a tough time getting out of it.
● They also tend to take responsibility for the failure of relationships after having moved on from it.
● They can at times be smothering and suffocating, which is a big weakness of ENFPs.
● They like to hear compliments from their partners, and if they don’t get any, they are likely to fish it out from them.
● Another problem is they do not like criticism and conflict. They find it difficult to digest criticism received from their partners, and also easily give in to the conflicts just to end them.
● The most suitable partners for ENFPs are the INTJ or ISTJ personality types.
As Parents
● ENFP parents are fun-loving, and enjoy spending time with their children.
● They value their roles of parenting, and are devoted and creative.
● They also strongly focus upon inculcating the values and beliefs in their children, which they have grown up with.
● They like to create a positive and ideal growing atmosphere for their kids.
● However, they can be a bit unpredictable in their behavior. Sometimes, they behave as their children’s best friends and are sometimes strict if they feel that the values that they imparted are being violated.
● The children can also sometimes feel frustrated with their smothering behavior. This way, it might become a bit difficult for the ENFP parents to maintain a strict discipline in their children.
● Overall, they love their children dearly and support them in every step of life. They take care of their smallest needs and create a fun and enjoyable environment for them.
As Friends
● ENFPs are warm and friendly. They are known for their sociable trait. They love meeting and interacting with new people.
● They are energetic and fun to be with. They are affirmative and provide great support to others.
● They get along well with most of the people around, be it their workplace or any other place.
● They are highly perceptive and curious about people. They bring out the best in their friends.
● ENFPs with strong feeling preferences may have a hard time adjusting with strong thinkers, as they do not respond well to ENFPs’ warm attitude. Many times, ENFPs shut themselves against “thinkers.”
● They also sometimes get intimidated by people with strong judging preferences. They tend to get irritated and emotional if a judger criticizes or disapproves of them.
● Close friends of ENFPs are people having strong intuitive feelings and other extraverts who are enthusiastic just like them. They are usually close to people having similar thinking and ideals about life.
As Colleagues
● ENFPs are growth-oriented.
● They easily impress others at their workplace with their creativity and outgoing attitude.
● They are good listeners and can easily understand others’ perspectives.
● They can easily cheer up people who are having a rough day.
● They are optimistic while working and mostly take initiatives.
● They go on to become good managers. However, they don’t like to go on bossing around as they do not like rules and regulations.
● They tend to keep a friendly atmosphere at the workplace.
Some Famous ENFPs
- Bill Clinton
- Mark Twain
- Robin Williams
- Drew Barrymore
- Alicia Silverstone
- Dr. Seuss
- Bob Dylan
- Charles Dickens
- Sandra Bullock
- Andy Rooney
ENFPs value all their relationships. They are good listeners and are always ready to help others. The most important trait of ENFPs is that they inspire and motivate other people with their zest for life. Their love for travel and outgoing nature help other people come out of their shell.
P.S. All these may be true and some might even relate to it completely (No, we were not spying on you!) or some might even not. There’s more to relationships than just these traits. It would be wise to look at a person’s real nature and willingness to achieve something or stick to each other. This article can only guide you and not rule your life! Good luck!