With an increasing number of teenagers going into depression, it has become very important for parents, guardians, and teachers to pay some extra attention towards them. In this case, a depression test proves to be of help, to identify if your teenage son/daughter is going through this emotional disturbance or not.
“… Depression is not sobbing and crying and giving vent, it is plain and simple reduction of feeling… People who keep stiff upper lips find that it’s damn hard to smile.” ― Judith Guest
The world has become demanding, and the stress is easily visible in our daily lifestyle. With people taking 2 to 3 jobs in a day, there is hardly any time to spend with kids, especially when in the tender phase of adolescence. The reason why I call teenage a tender phase, is obvious! This is the time when kids are exposed to drugs, sex, relationships, pressure of studies, conflicts with friends and parents …, and the list goes on and on. As per statistics, one out of eight teens suffers from depression, out of which 30% develop a substance abuse problem. Therefore, a depression test is very important. You need to observe the behavioral pattern of the teen and take a test yourself. However, the test will prove to be more beneficial if the teen answers the said questions honestly by himself/herself.
Quiz to Help Diagnose the Problem
There There might be a possibility that the teenager is casually stressed out, or he/she could be actually depressed. A situation like this demands a confirmed test that can help you determine the alarming symptoms. Answer the following questions in ‘Yes/No’ to find out if your kid has them or not.
- Does your son/daughter remain persistently sad and irritated?
- Have you noticed a change in your son/daughter’s appetite or body weight?
- Does your son/daughter talk about suicide or death?
- Does your son/daughter feel worthless or show feelings of an inappropriate guilt?
- Does your son/daughter lack interest in performing the activities he/she once enjoyed?
- Does your son/daughter experience problem in falling asleep?
- Does your son/daughter hardly communicate these days and prefer to stay in isolation?
- Does your son/daughter remain restless all the time and can’t stay still?
- Does your son/daughter get tired without any reason?
- Does your son/daughter react by shouting, complaining, and crying for unexplained reasons?
- Does your son/daughter experience crying spells?
- Does your son/daughter tend to wake up early in the morning and have difficulty going back to sleep?
- Has your son/daughter lost interest in everything?
- Does your son/daughter avoid going to school or anywhere out of the house?
- Has your son/daughter started performing poorly in school?
- Does your son/daughter tend to get panicky or frightened without any reason?
- Does your son/daughter talk of running away from home?
- Does your son/daughter complaint that no one understands him/her and that he/she is better off alone?
- Does your son/daughter show lack of energy and enthusiasm?
- Does your son/daughter often apologize to you or other close family members without any reason?
Once you have answered the questions above, just count the number of ‘Yes’. If the number is 5 or more, that means that the teenager is suffering from depression. Once you have the results, you should immediately consult a psychologist. Depression may range from being mild to severe. However, diagnosis at a borderline stage can help professionals treat it before it gets worse. As I already mentioned earlier, teenage is a very sensitive phase wherein the mind of the kid is still delicate and sensitive. Therefore, special care and attention should be given to him/her. If the score for the aforementioned test is more than 10, then a clinical depression test is advised.
Remember, the behavioral pattern mentioned in the quiz should be visible for at least a week or two. Dealing with a person going through this phase can be a bit of a challenge. Even the slightest loss of patience and temper may have an adverse impact on the situation. As it is, a depressed teen has the tendency of getting irritated easily. Our concern may seem as ‘interference’ and ‘nagging’ to him/her. Therefore, it is necessary to maintain a fine line between nagging and showing concern. Make your child feel loved and make him/her realize how important he/she is to you. Assure him/her that no situation is big enough to feel dismayed, and that your love and support will always be present under any situation.
Disclaimer: This PsycholoGenie article is meant for informational purposes only and should not be considered as a replacement for expert medical advice.