Depression ranges from a mild and temporary form to a severe and permanent form. The more severe form of depression is also known as major depression is known as clinical depression. This article provides information about the various symptoms of the same.
Depression is a condition that affects the psychological and emotional well-being of a person. It affects thoughts, moods, and physical well-being as well. Depression is not a small condition; it is not something that should be joked about or taken lightly. Depression is a medical disorder born out of biological and chemical imbalance. One of the main reasons for depression is stress; how you deal with stress and handle it will help you get over your depression.
What is Clinical Depression?
It is a medical condition that needs to be taken seriously. It isn’t some depressed state of mind that will go away in a few days; it is something that is persistent and serious. It can affect your daily life; it affects your eating habits, sleep, communication, and interaction with other people and your behavior patterns. It is not something that can be dealt with easily; in most cases it will need medication and therapy. It can last for weeks, months or even years for some people. People with this condition have to be handled very delicately as they can also be suicidal.
There are a number of symptoms of clinical depression, but to be diagnosed with this condition a person needs to be show them for 2 weeks. Some of the symptoms are:
- Lack of Interest: People who are clinically depressed do not show interest in any activities, even the ones they used to previously enjoy.
- Mood: The mood of the person with this depression will be sad, helpless, and even hopeless.
- Trouble with Sleep: Those who are depressed will show signs of troubled sleep. In some cases the person may sleep excessively and in some cases he/she may not sleep at all.
- Trouble concentrating and thinking: Those who cannot concentrate or show signs of memory loss and difficulty in making decisions, could be clinically depressed.
- Fluctuating Weight: If a person is showing major fluctuation in weight, like severe weight loss or weight gain he/she could be clinically depressed. This has something to do with loss of appetite or emotional eating.
- Agitated: If you notice signs of anxiety, agitation, irritability, and restlessness, it is possible that the person may be depressed.
- Lack of Self-esteem: Those who are depressed will feel wretched and unworthy, they will also have some amount of misplaced guilt.
- Slow Movement: A person who is depressed may show no interest in any activity, and feel exhausted. The person will feel tired in the morning and at night, and will move around in a state of disinterest.
- Suicidal Tendencies: Those who have thought of suicide or death are definitely showing signs of depression.
No one knows the cause of depression, it could be something that is hereditary or it can be stress related. It can also be a side effect of medication or could be caused because of a prolonged sickness.