Taking bupropion may cause excessive sweating, constipation, tremors, and nausea. The following Buzzle elaborates more on the side effects of this antidepressant.
Bupropion is one of the many antidepressants that is effective to get rid of depressive mood. This medicine is also useful to get rid of smoking habits. Heavy smokers taking more than 10-15 cigarettes a day are often advised to have this drug. So whether to stop smoking or reduce depression, bupropion is found to be effective.
Indigestion, headache, and dizziness are some of the side effects observed in people taking this antidepressant. These side effects might be bothersome but generally do not require any treatment. Other side effects are explained below:
Weight Gain
The incidence of weight gain due to this antidepressant has been observed in very less number of patients. The number of patients experiencing weight gain is negligible as compared to other side effects such as headache and dry mouth.
Weight Loss
In a study, a large group of depressant sufferers were given this medication on a regular basis and it was found 28% of them complained about weight loss. Although this side effect might be beneficial to overweight people, it is an unwelcome change for many. A person taking this medicine commonly experiences loss of appetite and nausea, which eventually leads to weight loss.
Hair Loss
This is an uncommon side effect and has been reported in less than 1 percent of the patients, so honestly speaking one does not have to really worry if one says that hair fall can occur with this medication. Side effects like receding hair lines are lowest in patients put on this drug.
Memory Loss
Studies show that memory loss from this medication is uncommon. Less than 1 percent of patients taking this drug have complained about memory problems.
Insomnia is one of the most common side effects of this antidepressant. Sleeplessness is something that is commonly associated with this medication. Insomnia due to this medication is highest in people who are taking it in the morning as well as in the evening. However, it is observed that skipping the evening dose and taking it in the afternoon would help to improve the quality of sleep. There should also be a sufficient time gap of at least 7-8 hours between two doses of bupropion. Approximately 19% of patients taking this medication experience insomnia.
Duration of Side Effects
In most cases, major health problems are unlikely to occur in people taking this drug. The minor side effects of this medicine are temporary and diminish within a week, once the body gets accustomed to this medicine. In case of severe side effects, one may be asked to discontinue the medicine to resolve these health problems.
Taking bupropion in the prescribed dosage is the best way to minimize the chances of getting its side effects. Also, immediately notifying the doctor about these side effects is equally important so that he may suggest an alternative medicine that is well-tolerated.
Disclaimer: The information provided in this article is solely for educating the reader. It is not intended to be a substitute for the advice of a medical expert.