If there’s one thing that will help you spot an ENFJ personality from other earthlings, it is their altruism. They are warm, engaging, and generous writ large and are a real dab hand at reading people. We have ferreted out some defining personality traits of these givers.
Percentage of ENFJs in the population
• 4% of the total population
• 2.5% male
• 5.5% female
How many of us are actually alive to our real self? Now, that’s a question whose answer is worth finding out. Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI), a self inventory designed by mother-daughter duo, Isabel Myers and Katherine Briggs, based on Carl Jung’s personality types is the key that will lead you to the door that opens to a healthy and fulfilling life. This is of course, possible only when one is able to ascertain one’s qualities, frailties, compatibility with other people, and opportunities, which you definitely can with the help of the test.
Out of 16 unique personality trait combinations, this article discuss the ENFJ personality type, the one that we would like to describe as humanity’s natural pedagogues. They are motivated by the sole purpose of helping people, to the detriment of their own interests.
ENFJs are known to wield a strong influential force on people. With this trait of theirs, you can easily spot them even from a mile off, as they’ll most likely be swarmed with people. They make an engaging and invigorating company, so if you ever feel beleaguered by dark clouds, just call for one ENFJ and see those dark clouds burn away.
Let us understand what the acronym ENFJ stands for.
People with an ENFJ personality meld really well with people; it is as if they derive their energy from being around with people. They are inherently good at schmoozing, which also makes them champion net-workers.
ENFJs are invested with an extraordinary intuitive ability that enables them to connect with all kinds of people, even with the reserved ones. However, by dint of this very trait, they fail to see little details and focus only on the bigger picture.
ENFJs are most likely to base their decisions on personal feelings, principles, and values and rarely on objective thinking. They think from their heart rather than their head, and this often redounds on their decision-making in a bad way.
Judging, in this context, does not mean judgmental, but predisposition towards organization, discipline, and planning. ENFJs feel the need to have things in order so that it helps them to predict and feel in control of their environment.
Given below are some POSITIVE TRAITS of ENFJs.
ENFJs are natural charmers and surely know how to be the cynosure of folks eyes, without really trying hard to get attention. With their excellent communication skills, they know how to keep people hung on their lips with their seamless appeal.
Benevolent to the rafters
ENFJs are altruistic to the point that we fear it can actually come out of their ears! They will not flinch from going to the stake for people and ideas they strongly believe in. They derive personal satisfaction from helping, supporting, encouraging, and understanding others.
One of the distinct traits that makes ENFJs so likable among others is their tolerance. People with this personality type are good at listening and accepting others’ views and opinions. They are receptive to criticism and opposing ideas as long as they remain constructive and don’t confute with their beliefs.
The Boss
By virtue of their optimistic, motivational, and communication attributes, ENFJs make for ideal leaders. With their strong persuasive skills coupled with the desire to work for the common good, ENFJs are favored by others to lead them.
While ENFJs have positive traits in spades, there are, however, some NEGATIVE TRAITS that must be worked on.
While ENFJs are sensitive to the needs and emotions of people, there is however, a flip side to this sensitivity. ENFJs are most likely to take things at heart and can become overwrought over situations that are beyond their control. They are also likely to take umbrage or feel hurt at criticism.
Owing to their propensity of involving themselves in others’ problems, ENFJs feel the need to fix them, even when they are not expected or shouldn’t. This negative trait not only over-strains them emotionally but also makes them pin themselves for failing to help others.
Poor decision-making
This is one area that all ENFJs need to work on. While it is commendable to be able to see good in people and situations, there are some circumstances that call for a more empirical and objective assessment, which unfortunately, ENFJs lack. This negative trait can also be imputed to their tendency to base their decisions solely on their intuition.
Wavering self-esteem
That ENFJs feel that it behoves them to help those who are mired in problems, failing to do so can make them question their worth. This can also stem from their over-sensitivity toward criticism and propensity of weighing themselves from the expectations and ideals of others.