If you want to know what happens when someone stops taking meth drugs and what are the various symptoms that surface after withdrawal, then take a look at this upcoming PsycholoGenie article, which talks about meth drugs in great depth.
Excess of anything is bad for the health whether it’s healthy or unhealthy. Similarly, an overdose of any drug affects our body as well as our mind. Also, when we suddenly stop taking a particular drug, it tends to affect us adversely. Methamphetamine is one such drug, which if taken in excess, can cause severe harm to the body. Also, when an addict is trying to give up the drug, the body goes through several unpleasant changes. Given below are some of the meth withdrawal symptoms, which are shown by a person who has stopped taking the drug. However, these symptoms are present only for a particular period of time, and once that period is over, he/she will be back to normal.
A Brief History
Mentioned below are some facts about methamphetamine:
» Meth or methamphetamine drugs are given to people in order to increase their level of alertness, energy levels, as well as concentration power.
» This drug has been approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for using it as a treatment for ADHD and also for exogenous obesity.
» It was synthesized for the first time from ephedrine in the year 1893 by a Japanese chemist Nagai Nagayoshi.
» Its usage was first approved to treat problems, like mild depression, hay fever, chronic alcoholism, etc. Although it was approved then, later on these approvals were removed and this same drug began to be used only to treat Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD).
» During the Second World War, the Allied and Axis forces both used this drug for medical purposes.
» If this drug is taken in small prescribed amounts, as recommended by a doctor, then one will not face any problem. But, if it is taken in excess, then problems might surely arise.
» Also, when a person stops taking it, it gives rise to a number of indicants. A few of these indicants have been enlisted below.
Withdrawal Symptoms
Some of the symptoms can be quite problematic and if they are not taken care of properly, then it might turn fatal. Hence, when a person is trying to give up this drug, it’s best to seek help from certain detox programs or maybe some meth addiction treatment programs to be able to cope with symptoms, like:
- Hyperventilation
- Lack of proper sleep or insomnia
- Sweating
- Convulsions
- Fatigue or loss of energy
- Depression
- Anxiety
- Irritability or dysphoric mood
- Anhedonia or inability to experience pleasure from enjoyable activities
- Hypersomnia or extended periods of sleep
- Increase in appetite
- Suicidal ideation
- Heartbeat becomes irregular
- Nauseating feeling
- Intense craving for the drug that the person has just given up
» Please note that the severity and duration of the symptoms depends on how often was this particular drug taken. It can last from 48 hours to around 10 days.
» Due to the severity of the symptoms, it’s best to go to a rehab center in order to get treated for meth addiction.
If this drug is taken in the prescribed dosage, after being recommended by a licensed doctor, then you are less likely to suffer from these symptoms. Pregnant women should avoid taking these drugs, as the baby might show some of these indicants after birth. People who were addicted to this drug and have successfully given up, congratulations! Those of you who are still taking them, it is better to give it up. The world might seem a better place after taking the drug but that is only for a short time. A drug-free life will show you an even a better world.
Disclaimer: This PsycholoGenie article is for informative purposes only and should not be used as a replacement for expert medical advice.